2024-2025 Budget

Budget Statement

The Hoboken Board of Education is committed to providing multiple opportunities for the public to ask questions about the district’s budget. We encourage you to visit this page often to view presentations and information, and our schedule of upcoming public hearings. This page will feature budget information as it develops, including budget presentations and related budget documents.

On March 19, 2024, the Board of Education approved a local tax levy of $73,012,635 to support a tentative general fund budget for the 2024-2025 school year of $88,442,445. The tentative budget included all school and department requests, with no cuts or reductions. 

On April 16, 2024, the Board of Education approved a resolution to revise the tentative general fund budget for the 2024-2025 school year. After an evaluation of all budgetary requests and an analysis of all budgeted expenditures, a fiscal plan was presented with a local tax levy of $67,517,886 to support the general fund budget for the 2024-2025 school year of $83,269,737. The approved budget supports enrollment growth, salary and benefits, special education, student achievement, professional development, maintenance of school facilities and related insurances, co- and extra curricular activities, and general administration and operations. 

The Hoboken Board of Education will hold a budget public hearing on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. In an effort to provide an opportunity for community members to better understand the 2024-2025 Budget, the Board of Education will host two Q&A sessions. The first will be held on May 7, 2024 at 10 AM at Calabro School and the second at 6 PM at Hoboken Middle School (Demarest). The Budget Adoption will take place at the Board of Education on May 14, 2024. 

Do you have questions about the budget?

Send an email to [email protected] for responses by our Board of Education members.

Contact the Business Administrator at [email protected] or the Assistant Business Administrator at [email protected].