Business and Community Partners

Business and Community Partners

The Hoboken School District depends on the support of professionals, businesses, educational and civic organizations to provide learning experiences for our students to become college & career ready. Our Guidance and School Based Youth Service Program is instrumental in facilitating and collaborating this and provide our students with the necessary tools to explore all career possibilities.

There are many ways to get involved! Please contact Hoboken High School if you would like more information or have additional ideas.

Career & Service Learning for Students

The Hoboken School District provides a comprehensive career development and readiness for students. Students are able to discover possibilities through their Naviance Family Connection where they are able to explore career opportunities. Students can expect to build the necessary career related skills to prepare for employment. Employers can expect to connect with students who have the basic work skills necessary to be successful in a career setting.
Students are also able to focus on resume and cover letter building as well as interview skills. Now that students understand their strengths and interests, discovered possibilities, and explored career opportunities, they are ready to plan for the future, and set a path toward a fulfilling life
Providing career & service based learning experiences also provides an opportunity to secure qualified staff while they complete their desired post-secondary education.

Here are some opportunities to help support our students and your business:

Job Shadow
Service Opportunities
Internship Community Connections
Professional Learning Opportunities for Educators

Educators are committed to lifelong learning. We are continually looking for professional learning opportunities to increase the relevance between what is taught in the classroom and how students will use that knowledge in their future careers.
School District of Hoboken ‘Glimpse into the Future Day’

During our annual ‘Glimpse into the Future Day’, we invite local members of the community to visit with us to talk to 11th graders about their jobs, training, and education. The days objective is to ignite student passions and inspire them to pursue their career aspirations to become highly skilled, capable and contributing members of society. Events such as ‘Glimpse into the Future’ Day give students opportunities to explore different professions that exist within many top industries and ask business experts questions about requirements and expectations in the workforce.
The goal of this day is to help our students:
Understand the importance of discovering one’s passion & interests
Develop an awareness of the world of work
Gain exposure to different types of career options
Learn skills related to professional development
Students have had very positive feedback on these days!

Submit a Career Day Session Proposal - Create Google Form Survey

School District of Hoboken 'Personal Growth Period Lunchbox Lecture Series'

During our PGP Lunchbox Lecture series, we invite speakers to join us in sharing their relevant expertise that aligns with Hoboken High School School Curriculum. The objective of the lecture is to draw connections from students classroom based curricular experience to the real world and engage each student in a reflective dialogue that furthers their knowledge in the topic of discussion.

HHS Personal Growth Period Lunchbox Lecture Series Proposal

On-Site Tours

Site visits provide relevance and connectivity between curriculum and the application of curriculum. The Hoboken Public School District helps to facilitate a “Careers-in-Action” Industry Tour Series for high demand industries.