HPEF Initiatives for the 2018-2019 School Year

HPEF Initiatives for the 2018-2019 School Year

(Click here for the full letter)

September 2018

Dear Hoboken Public School Parents and Guardians,

We are proud to share that the Hoboken Public Education Foundation (Hoboken PEF) will fund over $200,000 in new initiatives for the Hoboken Public School District in the 2018-19 school year. Your donations, volunteer efforts and attendance at our events allowed us to almost double our fundraising results from last year!

The Hoboken PEF board has worked closely with our superintendent, Dr. Christine Johnson, to identify innovative and impactful funding opportunities in the areas of learning and development, health and wellness, essential technology, enhanced facilities, and professional development.

In the 2018-2019 school year, Hoboken PEF will fund the following initiatives:

District-wide field trips (all schools, K-8)
Hoboken Middle School new Indoor Living Classroom touch/wall tanks (all schools, K-8)
Hoboken High School auditorium projector
Chromebook lending library (all schools, K-12)
Thrively digital platform (all schools, K-8)
New outdoor sign (Calabro Elementary School)
Sound system (Connors Elementary School)
Multi-sensory room (Wallace Elementary School)
Revolving rope climber for the new outdoor playground (Hoboken Middle School)
Spin cycles and equipment (Hoboken High School)
StartFIT activity package (all schools, K-2)
US Games Stay Fit Class Pack (all schools, 3-6)
Hoboken Schools Leadership Retreat (all schools, K-12)
Google Apps staff training and certification (all schools, K-12)

We hope you will agree that these initiatives will deliver a clear benefit to our students by enabling our teachers and administrators to create new programs, fund long-term strategic projects and provide hands-on learning experiences.

We have even greater ambitions for our schools, but we can only further our mission with your help. Consider making a tax-deductible donation and asking companies to match it. 100% of our donations fund programs specifically for the betterment of Hoboken public schools. Or become a Hoboken PEF volunteer.

For more information, visit our website at hobokenpef.org or follow @HobokenPEF on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Collectively—families, businesses, community groups and schools—we can make a difference and empower Hoboken’s children to be the best they can be.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Hoboken PEF Board