Advanced Placement

AP courses follow introductory-level college curricula and are the most rigorous courses offered at Hoboken High School. These courses are designed to prepare students for the corresponding AP exam(s) in May of each year. A score of 3 on a scale of 1-5 may result in placement and/or credit at the college level. Some colleges may require a minimum score of 4 to be eligible for college credit while some colleges do not grant credit for any AP courses, regardless of the score achieved. AP courses are available to sophomores, juniors and seniors who meet the appropriate prerequisites. There is summer preparation work as well as an additional 25 hours of student-teacher contact time during the year required for most AP courses. AP courses are granted additional weight in the GPA calculation.

AP Courses Offered at Hoboken High School

AP Seminar
AP Research

AP Language and Composition
AP Literature and Composition

AP World History 
AP US History 
AP US Government and Politics
AP Psychology

AP Calculus
AP Statistics

AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science

AP Spanish Language and Culture

AP Studio Art