Digital Citizenship Resources for Families

Digital Citizenship Resources for Families
Posted on 01/29/2020
Digital Citizenship Resources for Families

Digital citizenship is a holistic and positive approach to helping children learn how to be safe and secure, as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world. That means helping them understand their rights and responsibilities, recognize the benefits and risks, and realize the personal and ethical implications of their actions.

This resource list offers useful activities, information, websites, programs, and curricula.

Presentations from Digital Citizenship Night 1/28/2020

Cyberbullying & Digital Drama Presentation for Parents and Families

Cyber Safety

Digital Citizenship

Digital Footprint & Identity

Digital Citizenship Curriculum

K- 12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Family Media Agreement

Grade K-2 Scope & Sequence

Grade 3 - 5 Scope & Sequence

Grade 6 - 8 Scope & Sequence

Grades 9 - 12 Scope & Sequence