HHS Debate Program Excels at HMC San Francisco

Hoboken High School Debate Program Excels at 2022 Harvard Model Congress San Francisco Debate Conference


Contact Information:

Hoboken Public School District

Christopher Munoz


[email protected]

RELEASE DATE: Saturday, January 22, 2022

Hoboken High School Debate Program Excels at 2022 Harvard Model Congress San Francisco Debate Conference

Delegates were recognized for outstanding performances in multiple categories.

Hoboken, NJ, — Congratulations is in order for Hoboken High School's HMC team for their outstanding performance in the Harvard Model Congress Conference San Francisco. They authored and debated legislation on a myriad of topics and issues. Team members were recognized by their committee chairs for their analytical and communication skills and Hoboken delegates Julia Critz, Sage Gurtman, and Mara Reba each won Awards of Excellence for their outstanding performance.

The Hoboken High School Harvard Model Congress returned to national competition after two years of successful award-winning competition at the European Conference in Madrid, Spain. Harvard Model Congress encourages young people to participate in public service and civic life. This unique opportunity gives them a platform to get involved; to experience first-hand how the government works.

Over the course of the conference, students were offered  the unique opportunity to dive into the issues and debates facing the United States Congress today. The approach, centered around small-group learning, inspired debate, cooperation, and legislation — while also forcing students to expand their own perspectives and to understand the issues at hand in a new, more nuanced way.

Hoboken High School Harvard Model Congress Delegates excelled in the following categories: 


In the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Delegate Abby Scott authored The Equity of Income Payroll Tax Act, increasing the payroll tax based on the individual's annual income and co-authored the Provide Paid Leave Act, which provides twelve weeks of partially paid leave for all workers.


In the Senate and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, Delegate Madison Walia-Peters co-sponsored, amended and proposed the P.P.P Extension Act, which helped small businesses keep their employees on the payroll.


In the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Delegate Coby Kriegel co-authored the Clean Water Access Bill, which is intended to mitigate water-borne diseases and utilize local commissions to help provide people access to clean water.


In the House Foriegn Affairs Committee, Delegate Sage Gurtman co-authored the A.I.D. Act and the CPA Act and Delegate Jacob Linder authored, Secure Technical Advisory Transnational Endeavor, Operation: Investigating Leakage, and Assisting Republics through Military Security. These bills addressed issues such as cybersecurity, the investigation into oil tanker leakage in the Panama Canal and military aid to African nations. Sage Gurtman won an Honorable Mention Award for her work on this committee.


In the House Space, Science and Technology Committee, Delegate Aidan Betancourt authored the Maintaining American Supremacy in Planetary Defense Act and the MASPDA Act and Delegate Miles Angley authored the Environmental Protection Against Space Travel Act; these bills addressed issues including planetary defense, protecting Earth from Near-Earth-Objects (NEOs), and space debris from spaceships and satellites.


In the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Delegate Mary Claire McGreivey, Delegate Amalia Batlle, and Delegate Mara Reba authored and helped pass the Patent Protection and PBM Reform Act, and The Civic Involvement and Voter Education Act. These bills intend to improve voting infrastructure and security and streamline the drug patent process to increase competition in the market. Mara Reba won an Honorable Mention Award for her work on this committee.


In the Presidential Cabinet, Secretary of Commerce Genevieve Fink helped create the VFA Executive Order and helped the PPP Loan Renewal Act, RTEF, Barr Act, and Cybersecurity Protection Act become laws.


In the National Economic Council, Chief of Staff Julia Critz authored the Enforcement of Market Regulations Proposal and the Aid for Panama Canal Oil Spill Proposal. Julia Critz won an Honorable Mention Award for her work on this council.


Hoboken Harvard Model Congress team members challenged themselves and their peers to work together and devise feasible plans that mitigate or solve some of the country’s and the world’s most pressing problems and issues. Each member supported the others as they developed their academic and social skills and the team excelled in this year’s conference. Congratulations to the Debate Program and the Hoboken Harvard Model Congress Team!

About Harvard Model Congress: Founded in 2001, HMCSF is one of the best civic engagement conferences under the umbrella organization of Harvard Model Congress, the nation’s oldest government simulation conference run exclusively by undergraduates at Harvard College. First and foremost a teaching institution, HMC is also the most dynamic model congress simulation available to high school students.