Hoboken HS Debate Excels at European Conference

Hoboken HS Debate Program Excels at 2023 Harvard Model Congress European Debate Conference in Spain
Posted on 03/21/2023

Hoboken HS Debate Program Excels at 2023 Harvard Model Congress European Debate Conference in Spain

Delegates were recognized for outstanding performances in multiple categories.

Hoboken, NJ, March 20, 2023 — Congratulations to Hoboken High School's Harvard Model Congress Team for their outstanding performance at the Harvard Model Congress Conference in Madrid, Spain. They authored and debated legislation on a myriad of topics and issues. Hoboken High School’s distinguishing performance was recognized during the closing ceremonies as they won an unprecedented 12 awards, more than any other participating school.

The Hoboken High School Harvard Model Congress returned to international competition after a year of successful award-winning competition at the American Harvard Model Congress Conference in San Francisco.  Harvard Model Congress encourages young people to participate in public service and civic life. This unique opportunity gives them a platform to get involved; to experience first-hand how the government works.

Over the course of the conference, students were offered  the unique opportunity to dive into the issues and debates facing International Governments today. The approach, centered around small-group learning, inspired debate, cooperation, and legislation — while also forcing students to expand their own perspectives and to understand the issues at hand in a new, more comprehensive manner.

Hoboken High School harvard Model Congress Delegates excelled in the following categories: 

Frances Michaels: Best Delegate for her work in the House Climate Committee
Sage Gurtman: Honorable Mention for her work in the United Nations World Health Organization
Julia Critz:  Best Delegate for her work as a member of the World Bank
Kendall McDonough: Honorable Mention for her work in the House Climate Committee
Mara Reba:  Best Delegate for her work in the European Union Honorable Mention
Daniel Weintraub:  Honorable Mention for his work as the head of the CIA.
Jacob Linder: Best Delegate as a member of the House Intelligence Committee
Camilia Suarez: Best Delegate as a member of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee
Amalia Batlle: Best Delegate as a member of the House, Environment, Labor and Pension Committee
Genevieve Fink: Honorable Mention as a member of the UN Group of 20
Coby Kriegel: Best Delegate as a member of UN Group of 20
Juliet Hysen: Honorable Mention for her service as a member of the press in the Media Committee

Hoboken Harvard Model Congress team members challenged themselves and their peers to work together and devise feasible plans to mitigate or solve some of the nation’s and the world’s most pressing problems and issues. Each member supported the others as they developed their academic and social skills and the team excelled in this year’s conference. Congratulations to the Debate Program and the Hoboken Harvard Model Congress Team!

About Harvard Model Congress Europe: Founded in 1987, Harvard Model Congress Europe (HMCE) is an educational conference run exclusively by undergraduates at Harvard University. 

HMCE is the premier international government simulation available to high school students, with an average of 500 students attending annually. Over the past 35 years, HMCE has had a rich and diverse history, from our inaugural conference in Luxembourg to Paris, Athens, Brussels, and now Madrid. Each year, we are privileged to welcome the unique contributions of talented delegations coming from all over Europe and the world. HMCE also has sister conferences in Boston, San Francisco, Asia, and the Middle East.

First and foremost a teaching institution, HMCE stands out because of its fundamental mission to provide the most comprehensive programmatic model to foster individual and group learning. The conference challenges students to simulate and engage in the same issues that actual government organizations — including the US Congress, courts, and international bodies—are facing. From debating bills and resolutions to negotiating with other legislators and country representatives, each student will have the opportunity to both examine and actively discuss some of the most important problems and solutions concerning the world.

Through role-play and simulation of open debates, caucuses, trials, press conferences, and testimonies, students will develop a stronger understanding of civic involvement and government function. They will hone critical skills—making compromises, public speaking, strategic negotiation—that they will be able to apply in a variety of settings as they become leaders in tomorrow’s world. At HMCE, students are able to explore their own strengths and weaknesses while learning from and along with their peers.

Additionally, the conference allows students to work with an exceptional staffing team. Each year, our Executive Board selects 35 of the most accomplished Harvard undergraduates, all of whom also serve at the largest Harvard Model Congress conference in Boston, to staff our conference. These students have shown incredible devotion to the conference mission, boast diversified interests, and have a wide variety of perspectives in the fields of government, civics, and politics. Many members of our staff have served in some capacity for the actual government organizations they lead at the conference.

All Pictures are authorized by the Hoboken Board of Education for publication and use.