Connor School's Artist in Residence: Ms. Sherry Shine

In honor of Black History Month, on Wednesday February 22, the staff, students, and parents of Connors Elementary School were treated to an exciting day with Ms. Sherry Shine, a professional fiber artist. Ms. Shine specializes in using quilts and stitching to create beautiful works of art, many of which were on display for those attending the assembly.
Ms. Shine began the day with a parent-session, in which she discussed her artwork and the special techniques required to create such unique pieces, as well as her philosophy on art and design.
She went on to share with students her passion for the arts, and talked about her decision to become an artist. Her message was one of encouragement for students everywhere to follow their dreams and share their creativity.
Our students were intrigued by her many impressive works of art, asked many thought provoking questions, and were overall very excited to meet a professional artist.