2016-2017 HIB Self-Assessment for Public Review

2016-2017 HIB Assessment for Public Review
The Hoboken Board of Education takes incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying very seriously. Staff members have been assigned in each school (as well as on a district level) to address any such incidents. Any student, parent, or staff member with concerns related to harassment and/or bullying are encouraged to discuss the matter with one of the coordinators or Anti-Bullying Specialists.

In May 2016, the Department of Education issued the criteria for the fourth annual School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. The School Anti-Bully Specialists and the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator, in collaboration with the School Safety Teams, completed this Self-Assessment. It is available for your review and comment prior to the September Board Meetings.

The Assessment is based on Eight Core Elements:

HIB Programs, Approaches or other Initiatives
Training on Board of Education approved HIB policy
Other Staff Instruction and Training Programs
Curriculum and Instruction on HIB and Related Information and Skills
HIB Personnel
School-Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedures
HIB Investigation Procedure
HIB Reporting

Please take a few minutes to review the Self –Assessment Summary for each of the District’s six schools, which can be found by clicking through the resources below. Every school has an individual binder comprised of supporting documentation for the grading assigned to each of the eight core elements. If you would like to set up an appointment to review these binders, or have any questions regarding this assessment, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Cecilia D'Elia ([email protected]).

Hoboken High School
Hoboken Middle School
Brandt Primary School
Calabro Elementary School
Connors Elementary School
Wallace Elementary School