Intervention and Referral Services

The New Jersey State Board of Education has established that the primary mission of schools is to enhance student achievement of high academic standards in safe and disciplined learning environments. The effectiveness of public education in fulfilling this mission depends largely upon the capacity of the school system to respond to the diverse educational needs of students. Constantly evolving social conditions and changing educational needs can pose dramatic barriers to student achievement.  As a result, the Hoboken Public Schools, has developed a Roadmap To Success for Struggling Learners

Each school within the Hoboken Public School District has an established I&RS Team which meets on a regular basis.

District Contact: Sandra Rodriguez Gomez, Assistant Superintendent of Schools | 201-356-3604 | [email protected]

Intervention and Referral Services 6A:16-7.1

N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1 Establishments of I&RS Services
District Boards of Education shall establish and implement a coordinated system in each school building for the planning and delivery of I&RS services that are designed to assist students who have experienced learning behavior or health difficulties, and to assist staff who have difficulties in addressing students' learning, behavior, or health needs. District Boards of Education shall choose the appropriate multidisciplinary team approach for planning delivering the services required under NJAC 6:16-7.

N.J.A.C. 6A: 16-7.2 Function of I&RS Services
The functions of the system of intervention and referral services in each school building shall be:
  • To identify learning, behavior, and health difficulties of students
  • Collect thorough information on the identified learning, behavior, and health difficulties
  • Parental involvement to facilitate actively involve parents or guardians in the development and implementation of I&RS action plans.

N.J.A.C 6A: 16-7.3 School Staff and Community Member Roles for Planning and Implementing I&RS Services
The District Board of Education shall establish guidelines for the involvement of school and staff and community members in each building's system of intervention and referral services, which shall, at a minimum: 

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the building staff who participate in each building's system for planning and providing and intervention and referral services.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of other district staff for aiding in the development and implementation of intervention and referral services action plans.
  • Identify the roles, responsibilities and parameters for the participation of community members for aiding in the development and implementation and referral services action plans.