We focus on the individual success of the child. Our drivers are providing child-initiated learning experiences, and promoting growth in the areas of cognition, physical, social and emotional domains. We grant all learning in self-regulation, guided by the Tools of the Mind Curriculum.
- The District implements the Tools of the Mind, which is one of the four approved curricula recommended by the NJDOE and is a research-based program.
- The Central focus of Tools of the Mind is the development of both cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation, at the same time that pre-academic skills are taught.
- The Tools of the Mind Curriculum caters to children of all learning abilities through the use of differentiated instruction. This allows a teacher to provide challenges and/or support, as needed, to ensure success in the classroom.
- The tools Of the Mind Curriculum emphasizes the role of general cognitive and socio-emotional skills in young children's ability to meet school demands. Current research indicates that self-regulation has a stronger association with school readiness than IQ or entry level reading or math skills.
- Play is the central teaching tool, within a scaffolded learning environment, that focuses on giving children the tools they need that will lead two the development of higher mental functions.
- In Tools of the Mind, there is explicit delivery of literacy, math and science activities, so that they further promote the self-regulation developed in play. The children act in a regulated way in a variety of instructional contexts in school and have increased ability to be regulated in other setting as well.